There are few comparatively priced compact speakers, if any, on the local market that rival this Australian designed and manufactured gem.
We have been waxing lyrical about the Brigadiers Audio Mu2 speakers from Serhan + Swift (formally One Audio) for some time now. It is refreshing to see that we are not alone in recognising the prowess of this speaker, it appears that the British have recently discovered the Mu2’s as well.
Renowned London retailer Grahams Audio recently wrote: “Listening to these yielded details in music I had never heard on a small stand-mount speaker. Listening at low volume the bass didn’t dissipate, balance and control remained intact, and kept the smile on my face as I continued to listen to the music. In fact, listening at this volume it was very easy to forget that there was indeed a Hi-Fi there as I had engrossed myself so far into the listening, I forgot about critiquing the speakers every now and then!” UK stated: ‘If you are looking to reproduce a genuinely emotive performance from your favourite music at home, you need to add the Brigadiers Audio Mu2 to your audition list. They are involving, accurate and can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and give you goosebumps”.2
Audio Therapy commented: “They are so effortless in the way they present the music and all of the aspects of the speaker come together so well they let you hear more of your music, more accurately, more naturally and with more goosebumps – which for me is a bit of holy grail, I know I’m on to something really good if it puts shivers down my spine!”
Every comment we have seen out of the UK has been unanimously glowing. One of the common sentiments is that these speakers represent great value on the UK market, where they retail for £5,000 – that’s well over $9,000 Australian! And are being compared to speakers on the UK market that cost a lot less there than they do here. It goes without saying that at 6,500 Aussie $’s these speakers are an exceptional buy.